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365bet Compensation 

Salary Allocation for Fiscal Year 2024

要查看有关2024财政年度薪金分配的最新信息,请 visit here


Hiring Salaries

由于365bet雇用的教职员工来自广泛的地理区域,因此工资数据将会 由学院及大学人力资源专业协会提供 (CUPA-HR) or other sources using peer institutions. Peer institutions are considered 就大学使命而言,相对相当于奥斯汀·皮伊、卡内基的分类 and enrollment. If salary data is not available for a position using the peer institutions, data may be obtained from a larger sample of institutions.

利用CUPA-HR的薪酬调查数据,Austin Peay的每个角色都被分配了一个比较者 and position description. Comparator codes, or CIP codes for faculty, are used to correlate 365bet employees with peer institution's position and salary data.

经理们将负责为新员工谈判一个公平的、基于市场的工资 employees, in consultation with the unit head, i.e., vice president, executive director. 人力资源部将根据所分配的任务为新员工提供一个雇佣范围 CUPA-HR comparator and position description. Managers will consider market data, years 经验,独特和高素质的技能,预算限制和倒置 and compression issues.  When negotiating a salary offer, if a manager determines 这些条件保证了他或她可能要求的高于市场中位数的薪水 an exception from the unit head.


通过适当的管理链提交重分类 advice and consultative guidance of the Office of Human Resources. Salary changes 重新分类的结果将于明年初生效 pay period following approval. Reclassifications of non-faculty positions can occur 如果正在进行的工作范围证明是合理的,并且确定了永久资金 for any associated compensation increase. The steps required for reclassification of a non-faculty position are:

1. 所有非教师职位的重新分类建议将由 由经理对岗位进行评审并通过适当的管理批准 chain up to the Senior Administrator. The Office of Human Resources will provide information 并根据需要提供咨询性指导,以协助经理和受影响的员工 完成新的职位描述并确定合适的比较者 and median salary. The position description will be attached to a written proposal 提供尽可能多的关于重大变化的细节,原因 for the change, and how the change supports the University’s Strategic Plan.

2. 提案必须确定建议项目的基线/持续资金的可用性 salary. When funding has been identified, the account number or funding strategy will be documented on the request.

3. 经与人力资源厅协商,各成员管理 Chain将审阅完整的职位描述,并可能与员工进行讨论 and his/her supervisor. Upon approval by the Senior Administrator the proposal, will be resubmitted to the Office of Human Resources for implementation.

4. Final funding for reclassification will be coordinated with the Budget Office.

5. 最终处理通知将发送给直接主管和高级管理员. 将变更通知员工是直接主管的责任 to their position title and/or salary.

More information can be found in  365bet Policy 5:036 Staff Promotions, Reclassifications, Transfers and Demotions .


Position Changes


晋升是通过承担职责而带来的职位增加 of a vacant position at a higher level. The recommended employee may not be promoted prior to the employee’s successful completion of 6 months in the position.

Requests for promotion are initiated by the Department Head/Director or above. Upon 由高级行政管理人批准,要求应由经理/主管提交; 通过给人力资源办公室和公平办公室的书面备忘录, Access and Inclusion (OEAI). This may be submitted electronically or via paper with appropriate signature lines. Upon receipt, HR will ensure that the employee meets the minimum position requirements. OEAI will review the request to ensure that it is in compliance with the University’s affirmative action goals. If concerns are noted, requests will be returned to the department. If the request is approved by HR and OEAI,启动部门主管/总监将被通知,HR将准备 a new employment contract and obtain appropriate signatures to execute.

More information can be found in 365bet Policy 5:036 Staff Promotions, Reclassifications, Transfers and Demotions.


调动是指在相同的技能水平或相同的CUPA比较国中移动到一个位置 salary median. Transfers do not equate to a salary increase. 

More information can be found in 365bet Policy 5:036 Staff Promotions, Reclassifications, Transfers and Demotions.

学术课程由国家教学课程分类列出 (CIP) fields using CIP assigned codes. CIP Codes are used to define academic program 活动,根据田纳西州高等教育委员会学术课程清单的要求. CIP Codes are generally assigned based on academic program(s). When a department offers one program, one CIP Code is assigned and used by that program. When multiple programs 和/或专业在一个系内,CIP代码可以根据 to each distinct program and/or major upon permission of the Provost.

在新员工的职位申请过程中,全职的正规教师 classified into the department’s program CIP Code.  If the department has multiple 由于多个学术项目/专业,教师的CIP代码指定 将根据主要教学职责进行分类,如在 the hiring process.  Highly specialized areas of instruction that requires a unique CIP代码由于认证或其他原因,必须由例外批准 the Provost.

当一个人自愿或非自愿地在大学内部移动时 根据课程的变化,教员被划分为系内CIP Code, following the procedure detailed above.

Educational Increases

Staff Salary Increases for Degree Attainment

要考虑因获得学位而加薪,工作人员必须 向他/她的主管提交一份书面请求,表明他/她已经完成了 the educational degree.  The request must provide justification of how the accomplishment 与他/她目前的工作职责、所需的学习时间和任何特殊情况有关 requirements associated with the accomplishment.  A copy of the transcript that provides 学位完成的验证也必须与请求一起提交.  如果申请获得批准,加薪将从一开始就生效 of the next pay period following approval.

完成学位增加的金额将取决于是否 there is a direct job relationship to current duties.  This relationship must be documented 应工作人员的要求,并经主管和部门主管同意.  The following chart indicates the percentage increase that is to be awarded: 

Degree Directly Related Unrelated
Associates 4.00% 2.00%
Bachelors 5.00% 3.00%
Masters 5.50% 3.50%
EDS 5.50% 3.50%
Doctorate 6.00% 4.00%


此政策仅适用于在2021年1月1日之前开始的学位课程 完成于2028年12月31日,其中365bet有出勤和连续记录 自2021年1月1日起注册,同时担任正式的非教职员工 at Austin Peay State University.

More information can be found in 365bet Policy 5:027 (Staff Salary Increases for Degree Attainment).

Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Exam

在非豁免行政职位工作的员工通过了考试的所有部分 由国际行政管理协会主办的注册行政管理专业考试 行政专业人员(IAAP)的工资将增加9% 在成功完成注册行政专业人员课程后,获得薪水 (CAP) Examination.  Exempt employees are not eligible for the increase.

本次加薪将在下一个工资期开始生效 Resources receives documentation of the certification. Employees are encouraged to 在报名参加考试之前,请联系人力资源部以确定资格.

先前获得9%加薪的个人没有资格获得后续加薪 9% increase for passing the Certified Administrative Professional exam.